
Custom Rules: Supa-dakkaship

The Supa-Dakkaship is akin to a space shuttle filled with orks. It flies down, lands, and releases the green tide. Originally designed for space-flight, this vehicular monstrosity is the approximate size of two or three gargants. Indeed, many ork invasions involve a Dakkaship landing, deploying its gigantic horde, and then being torn to pieces by the meks, and built into gargantuan War Machines.

Supa-Dakkaship                                  4000 points

Super-heavy flyer with Hover Mode

Structure Points: 10

Power Fields: 8

Due to the size, all models firing at the Supa-Dakkaship use their normal BS when firing at it.

Transport capacity: 180. A walker takes up ten spaces, a trukk takes of 12, and a tank takes up 20. In addition, two super-heavy vehicles may be taken inside.

Weapons: The Dakkaship may take 5 main weapons, chosen from the list below:

Dakka maka: Range 96″, S7, AP3, Large blast, primary weapon, heavy 10

Supa-killa: Range 96″, SD, AP2, 10″ blast, primary weapon, heavy 1

Supa-dupa-bullet-blasta: Range 72″, S7, AP4, Primary weapon, Assault 60

Big-booma: Range: 96″ S9 AP2 10″ blast, primary weapon, heavy 2

In addition, you may take 2 co-axial weapons for each main weapon, out of the following guns:

Skullhamma kannon (See skullhamma rules)

Deff kannon (See stompa rules)

Lifta-droppa (See big mek stompa rules)

There must be three main guns mounted on the front arc, and two mounted on the back. (Note: As a side-note, Lifta-Droppa’s make great co-axial weapons, because they hit automatically. So, if you are firing at a vehicle within 48″, you pretty much get re-rolls to hit.)

All troops inside may parachute out on any turn. To parachute, chose any point the Dakkaship has flow over, and deep strike the unit you wish to deploy. If they land safely, move infantry models 2D6 forward in the direction that they scattered, stopping if you hit impassible, difficult, or dangerous terrain. (Vehicles move 3D6.) On a roll of a hit, you may chose what direction to move the unit. In this way, you could potentially end the turn 30″ away from the original landing point. Troops may be inside vehicles that are being deployed. If a super-heavy vehicle deploys, it must take D3 glancing hits, because even the biggest parachutes can’t protect them from a little scrapes when they fall.

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