
Anti-Space Wolves

Space Wolves are a bit of a challenge for Orks. They are close combat oriented, and orks don’t have many guns. Most of their units can assault orks, due to fleet or cavalry, and they can almost always cause massive damage to the orks. So, how do you fight this fire amongst the orks? with more fire! Regular ork boy hordes are not as effective as normal, you need fast choices. Warbikers, (Biker nobz!) boyz in battlewagons, boyz in trukks, stormboyz, anything that gets rapid assault. Killing the enemy is a lot easier when you get an extra attack and +1 strength, as opposed to the enemy getting +1 strength. Another good option is Meganobz, because while they have a lot of power weapons, their S8 power weapons are more rare. So, death is unlikely for several turns. And Meganobz wound on 2’s and penetrate armor, as well as causing instant death to most enemy units. Ghazkull is a great choice, because his super WAAAGH! gives the orks a better chance of assault. Burnas, because they can be used as power weapons, but not so much since they are easy to kill. The space wolves do have some guns, but are mostly CC. So, another idea is to shoot them down. Use Lootas, because while they don’t penetrate armor they do wound on 2’s, and they get a lot of shots. Rokkits are not quite as good, but Killkannons and boomguns, as well as Shokk Attack Guns are great.

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