

So, I joined a weekly escalation league. For now there have only been two battles, but I’m planning on posting a report for each one as it goes along.
For context, every time you win you add 100 points to your next list, every time you lose you add 200 points. (Starting at 500.) So, while the early games are balanced, later games may end up with pretty big point differences. Scoring works based on Victory Points, so a victory with only two VPs is actually worse than a loss with 4-5. Also, the army lists are generally from memory (Especially with my opponents) so there might be subtle inaccuracies.

Game 1: The WAAAGH Begins. (500 points each)
Armies: Orks VS Imperial Guard
1 Warboss with Mega Armor, Attack Squig, bosspole
4 Meganobz (no gear, taken as troops)
1 Trukk (No gear, transport for Meganobz)
25 Shoota Boyz, Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob

Imperial Guard:
1 Command Squad
1 Commissar, (I think? Independant Character with a bolt pistol and a sword.)
10 Veterans
10 more Veterans

Deployment: It was a 4′-4′ board, so we just had standard 12″ from the board edge deployment.
Game type: The Relic.
Terrain: There were three pieces of Area terrain lined up in the middle of the board, (Because the hobby store was using 2 tables for 3 game boards, and we were on the middle table so there was a thin fault line) and nothing else.

I deployed first, putting my Trukk filled with pain on the left side of the board, close to the center. My boys piled up on the edge of their deployment, ready to make a beeline towards the objective.
He put his command squad in the far back, with both Veterans spread out in a defensive line, protecting the Command Squad and ready to issue orders. His Commissar (Once again, unsure of that label) was by himself, on the far left of the board (All lefts and rights are from my perspective.)

Turn one!
I charged my boys towards the Relic, then ran them as well. Meanwhile, my trukk shot forward 12″, so that I could fire out. I managed to land just 1 wound on his commissar, even with all my Meganobz shooting out, so not my deadliest turn.
He then proceeded to fire both squads of Veterans at my boys, causing about ten wounds. It hurt, but I wasn’t anywhere close to a leadership test yet. (FEARLESS FTW.) His commissar, meanwhile,  was apparently set aside to try and get a lucky shot on my truck. His pistol fired, and caused no damage. So, he charged!
What’s dat, boss? Da umey with da sword be chargin us? Hurr hurr. FIRE!
I Overwatched him to death, getting First Blood AND Kill the Warlord.

Turn two!
My boys seized the Relic, and got into cover. Two very important things. My Meganobz got out of their Trukk and slogged forward, with my Boss seperating from the unit and heading towards his Command Squad. An insubstantial shooting phase followed, with a couple wounds against his Veterans, and absolutely jack done towards his Command Squad. My shootas caused a little damage to his other squad of Veterans, but once again my shooting did little harm. My assault phase was different. I called a WAAAGH!
Meganobz versus Vets, Boss versus Command Squad. The Vets died. The Command Squad caused no wounds and failed a leadership test, running off the board. (Apparently, placing them two inches from the board edge wasn’t a good idea.)
With one squad of Vets left, he proceeded to cause zero wounds shooting at my Meganobz. Figuring he had nothing left to lose, he charged them. And died.

VICTORY FOR THE ORKS! A total of 6 victory points to zero, putting me substantially in the lead for the League.

Game two:
Those orks ripped through our men, sir!
That’s okay, they won’t stand a chance, this time. We brought the Space Marines.

Orks VS Dark Angles. 600 points each. (We both won our first game.)

Army lists:
1 Warboss with Mega Armor, Attack Squig, bosspole
4 Meganobz (no gear, taken as troops)
1 Trukk (No gear, transport for Meganobz)
20 Shoota Boyz, Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob
Battlewagon w/ Deff Rolla, 3 big shootas
Azreal, Supreme Grand Master.
I think a Captain? Some kind of cheap HQ choice.
A Squad of Terminators (Power Fists, a rocket launcher, and a couple Assault Cannons)
A squad of Space Marines (A Lascannon and a Plasma Cannon were in them, otherwise standard gear.)

Game type: Purge the Alien!
Deployment: 12″ Standard (Once again, it was a 4′-4′ board.)

Deployment Phase:
He got deployment first, and put all of his guys in a cluster near the top left corner. Perhaps not the most clever idea ever, as you’ll later see…
I put all my boys in the Battlewagon, and then put my MegaNobz in the trukk. To deploy, I put my battlewagon directly in front of the trukk, making it nearly impossible for the space marines to see.

Turn One! I stole initiative.
And did very little with it… I moved my battlewagon forward, so that all he could see was my front armor. My trukk directly behind it, it only moved 12″ and so technically could have shot… but it couldn’t see anything.
He fired everything he had, but was only able to see the front armor of my Battlewagon. His Plasma Cannon hit but caused no damage, and his Lascannon missed.

Turn Two!
The exact same dang thing happened. He had deployed far enough away that a full turn of movement still left him out of assault range.
One of the Assault Cannons he had was actually able to see my side armor (for my Battlewagon) this time, and managed to cause a glancing hit. One structure point down, three to go… His lascannon missed again.

Turn Three!
Everything I had piled out of their vehicles after moving 6 or 12 inches forward. I shot a crapload of stuff into his unit and caused three terminators and a few marines to die. Then I assaulted…
And he surrendered.

Final score: 7 more Victory Points to me! None to him!

Currently I’m at 13 Victory points for the League. The closest is at 8… I think I’m doing well, but we’ll see if I can stand up against armies with a couple hundred more points than me.

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1 Response to “Da Grand WAAAAGH!”

  1. February 14, 2013 at 11:43 pm

    I’m secretly building an army to take you on. It’s entirely sculpted of chocolate. I’m hoping it will distract you and I will gain the upper hand.

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